
A Weekly View from the Foothills of Appalachia by Doug Fiedor - fiedor19@eos.net
Doug's 1998 State of the Union Analysis
- February 21, 1999
- Fight, Don't Drop Out
- Choosing a President, Kasich
- Finding Hope in the Morass
- February 14, 1999
- Congress Capitulates
- Snatching Good from the Ugly
- The Andrews Occupation
- Whose Environment is it, Anyway?
- Payback Time for the Clintonoids
- February 7, 1999
- The $40 Billion Rip-Off
- White House Budget Lies
- Senate Negligence
- Ron Paul and Project Freedom
- The Constitution is Not A Menu
January 31, 1999
- Control Your Senate
- Something More to HAARP About
- Federal Mismanagement and Waste
- Withholding Information is Obstruction
- A Sick Joke and Something Good
- January 24, 1999
- The State of American Socialism
- Consider the Defense
- Clean Power to the People
- More Crimes Deserving Impeachment
- January 17, 1999
- Liars Steal Freedom
- Democrats Cry as Trial Goes Forward
- Know Your Bureaucrat
- A Gun Law that Works
- Big Brother vs. The People
- January 10, 1999
- Time for the Truth
- Computers Cause Martial Law
- Republicans Need to Talk
- Force a Trial in the Senate
- December 20, 1998
- Finally, Clinton is Impeached
- Censure is Unconstitutional
- The Dog is Wagged
- The Left Tries to Protest
- Vacation
- December 13, 1998
- Congress: No Excuse is Acceptable
- Impeachment Train is Rolling
- Banks as Government Spies
- Happy Birthday Bill of Rights
- December 6, 1998
- The season for Impeachment
- Testilying
- Congress Kills the Fourth Amendment
- Newsletter Disclaimer
- November 29, 1998
- Sleaze Gets a Free Pass in DC
- Weekly Tidbits
- Censorship on the Internet
- Full Control is One Rule Away
- November 22, 1998
- Twinkling Starr
- Prosecutors Often Violate the Law
- Entangling Military Dangers
- Big Brother's Task Force
- The Winter of Our Discontent
- November 15, 1998
- Help Fight Corruption
- A Matter of Contrast and Honor
- Depends What Type of Moderate
- Fiat Money
- November 8, 1998
- Why Republicans Lost Nationally
- Activism: The Media Part I
- Watching Government Watch Us
- Action Alert
- November 1, 1998
- Color Me Constitutionalist
- The Duty of the People
- Liberal Hypocrite Interlopers
- Serf or Modern-Day Share Cropper
- Madison Warned Us
- October 25, 1998
- About that Federal Money Pit
- Cutting Growth in Government
- News from Scandal City USA
- Federalism is Almost Dead
- March for Justice
- October 18, 1998
- Government vs. The People
- Ask them Now, While You Can
- Free Republic: Today's Liberty Tree
- For Those Who Love Liberty, A Call to Action
- October 11, 1998
- Discredited Democrats
- Impeachment Whining of Obstruction
- Rout the Land Regulators
- A Campaign of Substance
- October 4, 1998
- Imcompetent Commander in Chief
- Proof of Corruption
- Proposing a Police State
- Divide, Add, Then Control
- Triangulate
- September 27, 1998
- Honesty and Honor do Count
- Scandal City, USA
- Defend the Indefensible: Lie
- Two Years and Counting
- September 20, 1998
- Scandal Background and News
- Rout the Regulators - Another Success
- Transferring American Wealth
- You Have Much to Answer for Mr. President
- Fight the National ID Card
- September 13, 1998
- The Good - A Chance for a Change
- The Bad - The Lying Left
- The Ugly - Stealing our Rights
- Starr Reports Clinton Crimes
- The Edge of Chaos
- September 6, 1998
- "Scorched Earth" Policy Begins
- New Opression Looms
- Billy, Hilly, and Al's Corrupt Adventure
- More on Special Interest Lobbying
Here Comes the Starr Report
- August 30, 1998
- A Message to Congress
- Al Gore Should Never be President
- Foreign Lobbying
- News Worth Watching
- One Man's Opinion
- August 23, 1998
- Enablers, Propagandists, and Liars
- The Apology that Wasn't
- Impeachment: Time for Action
- Fire the Co-President and Impeach Bill
- August 16, 1998
- Media Cover-Up on China
- Enforce the Fourth Amendment
- Another American Bailout
- Click's New Chosen Elite
- The Federalist Digest - Free
- August 9, 1998
- The Corruption Cover-Up
- Clinton's Subversion of Federalism
- Legal Grinch
- Let the Program Begin
- Forget Monica, Cut to the Good Stuff
- August 2, 1998
- Polls to Control Impeachment
- Make Government Do it First
- Stop the Perpetrator Now
- American Sovereignty
- Linda Tripp Speaks
- July 26, 1998
- Totalitarianism Revised
- Government Disobedience
- Fleeting Freedom
- Third Way not the American Way
- July 19, 1998
- Watching the White House Implode
- He Who Pays the Piper
- Stealing Freedom One Lie at a Time
- Gore: The Sky is Falling
- Abolish Communism and Socialism
- July 12, 1998
- Clinton Says Pay and Obey
- Political Propaganda
- Government Stifles Economic Growth
- Armed Citizen Foils Bank Robbery
- The Blackmailing of America
- July 5, 1998
- Unconstitutional in Any Form
- Clinton's Preparation
- Good Court, Bad Court
- The Failed Drug War
- June 28, 1998
- Building the Same Kind of Country
- A Result of Excessive Government
- Tax Freedom on the Net
- Invest 15 Minutes in our Future
- June 21, 1998
- Pipe Dream on Taxes
- Bad News, New News, and Good News
- The $6-Million Fly
- State and Federal Officials Violate Law
- June 14, 1998
- Computers May Cause a Decline of Liberty
- Polly Wins a Big One for the Kids
- An Easy Election Choice
- Clinton's War on Reagan
- Reply from Congress on EO 13083
- June 7, 1998
- Clinton Goes to China
- Proposed Amendments
- Guns: One Aspect of the Problem
- The Result of Stupid Laws
- May 31, 1998
- Unconstitutional Do-Gooder Laws
- Rolling Thunder - Again
- Negligence and Junk Science at EPA
- Burning Mexico
- Tiger Newt
- May 24, 1998
- National Security Sold
- Crimes Against the People
- Public Investigation Needed
- Conflict of Interest
- May 17, 1998
- Government Fails "Results" Test
- Congress and Socialism, and Expose
- Unconstitutional Tobacco Bill
- UN Investigates the US - Act III
- Action Alert
- May 10, 1998
- Democrats Defend Crooks
- Both Negligent and Criminal
- Secret Courts, Destroy Rights
- Good vs. Evil
- Fox News Channel Let us Down
- The Masters Must Control
- May 3, 1998
- Clinton Sold our Security
- Time for Clinton to Pay the Piper
- The UN Usurps our Freedom
- Unenforced Rights
- April 26, 1998
- Congress Supports Lawbreakers
- Enforce this Law
- No More Free Trade
- Newsletter Disclaimer
- April 19, 1998
- Senators Protect Felons
- Just Another Bad Judge
- Let's Force the Issue
- Another Perspective on Gun Rights
- April 12, 1998
- Political Polls and Donations
- The Gun Nuts Strike - Again
- Guns, Politicians, and Aircraft
- Equal Justice vs. National Security
- CIA Admits to Deal with DOJ to Obstruct Justice
- April 5, 1998
- Hyde's "A-TEAM" Forming
- Congress Must Act NOW
- A Gun is Only a Tool
- Questions for Legislators
- They Want a Crack-Down
- March 29, 1998
- For a More Perfect Police State
- Killing without Compulsion
- Real Straight Talk
- Changing NAFTA
- March 22, 1998
- Organize for Privacy
- Our Workers are our Boss
- Call for Impeachment
- Federal Sexual Abuse Law
- Tweaking the Media
- March 15, 1998
- Retribution is in the Air
- Judges Must Obey the Rule of Law
- The Decline of the Constitution
- News on Computing
- March 8, 1998
- A Sick Political Truth
- A Letter to Republican Officials
- Politics and Computers
- Privacy Protection Act
- Copy and Send to Congress
- March 1, 1998
- Investigating the Investigators
- Government Takes the Fifth
- UN Investigates US, Act II
- Freedom vs. The New World Order
- February 22, 1998
- The Tenth Amendment Shall Prevail
- Political Chicanery
- War-Protesters Meet War-Protesters
- Again, it Ends in Kentucky
- February 15, 1998
- About the Right-Wing Conspiracy
- A Call to Action
- No Co-Presidents Wanted
- Blair Tells of "Third Way"
- February 8, 1998
- Fraud and the Federal Budget
- The Right Wing Conspiracy
- Supporting the Fourth Amendment
- Where are the Terrorists
- Banning Heritage Rivers
- February 1, 1998
- Socialism Personified
- A Strange Win for Clinton
- News and Disinformation
- Obstruction of Justice
- January 25, 1998
- The Failed Presidency
- Another Presidential Tryst
- Federally Planned Disaster
- No Resignation Imminent
- State of the Union Report Posted
- January 18, 1998
- Emergency Decline of Freedom
- Where the Money Tree Grows
- Felons at IRS
- Union Bosses Sue Membership
- State of the Union Report Posted
- January 11, 1998
- State of the Union, 1998
- Fast Track to Tyranny
- Safety and Guns
- International Gobbledygook
- On Impeachment
- What we Want to Hear
- Janurary 4, 1998
- Prosecutorial Misbehavior
- The Controlling Opinion on Search
- More for the Children
- On Freedom and Responsibility
- December 28, 1997
- Time to Cause Change
- Last Call for Freedom
- Perjury on High
- Socialized Medicine
- Squirrelly Laws
- December 21, 1997
- The Just-US Department
- Time to Help and Old Friend
- FBI Offices Searched
- Throw the Bum Out
- Taking Back our Rightful Position
- December 14, 1997
- Gore's Folly
- Why the "Third Way"
- The Shame of Law Enforcement
- Scheduling a Federal Land Grab
- To My Union Friends
- December 7, 1997
- One Reason for the Laws
- Alaska is Sovereign
- New IRS Information Page
- Fighting the EPA Bureaucracy
- November 30, 1997
- A Loud "NO" to the Eco-wackos
- Demise of the Democrats
- About that TWA-800 Animation
- November 23, 1997
- Abolish the IRS
- Honor for Sale or Rent
- The Scandal(s) Continue
- The End is Near for Auto Pollution
- Land Grab Information
- Drudge Calls for Help
- November 16, 1997
- A Call to Action
- Contact Congress
- Heard on the Floor of the House
- Government Meddling
- Remaining Personally Armed
- Women Against Gun Control
- November 9, 1997
- Derial Fast Track
- Ambrose is Back
- Protecting and Serving Big Government
- Political Odds and Ends
- Socialism is for the Dogs
- October 17, 1997
- We're Accountable
- It's Only tax Money
- Campaign Law Revisited
- Newsletter Housekeeping
- October 10, 1997
- Just say NO to EPA
- UN Investigates US
- Prosecutor Misbehavior
- Sleaze, Obstruction, and Felony
- EPA's Action can Harm You
- October 3, 1997
- A Union of Thieves
- Call it Perjury
- Cut their Pay and send them Home
- Outcome based Government
- Congressman reads E-mail
- Political Censorship
- September 26, 1997
- That Outrage called IRS
- A Time for Action
- Life in America
- Everybody does it
- Rush to the Constitution
- September 19, 1997
- Tobacco is Legal
- Bending the Law
- Another Right Semi-Trashed
- Fire Bad Judges
- September 12, 1997
- Access for Sale or Rent
- Regulating People to Death
- Welfare to Bureaucrat
- The Tenth Amendment Lives
- September 5, 1997
- Night Stalkers
- The Regulatory Morass
- Benefiting from Seperate Jurisdictions
- Montana House Bill 415
- August 29, 1997
- Using Seperate Jurisdiction
- Regulatory Change Needed
- Medicare Changes
- Bureaucratic Supremacy
- Misguided Police
- Questions for Congress
- August 22, 1997
- Ruby Ridge Revisited
- Concealed Weapons
- Regulating Weapons
- Land Grab
- They're the Enemy, Stupid
- To a Government Disposed to Usurp
- August 15, 1997
- Disarm Regulators
- Resist Federal Snooping
- Internet Speech
- Your Government at Work
- The Land Grab Plan
- August 8, 1997
- Dereliction of Duty
- Good Versus Evil in Government
- Liberal News Programming
- Land Grab Scam
- Hidden Taxes
- August 1, 1997
- The Land Grab Scam
- More UN Foolishness
- Budget Propaganda
- Roasting Chicken Little
- July 25, 1997
- Loser Pays
- All Speech is not Free
- Not Enough Time for Lawmakers
- Interesting Information
- Haley Kicks Butt
- July 18, 1997
- Lest We Forget
- Media Censorship
- Everything is a Secret
- Newsletter Housekeeping
- Keeping them Busy
- July 11, 1997
- Time for Action
- States' Rights
- EPA Workers Protest EPA
- The World Noticed
- American Land Sovereignty
- You're getting Results
- July 4, 1997
- Thank Brady
- Anything for Money
- A Personal Right
- June 27, 1997
- A failed presidency
- Fighting the new treason
- Another meeting on LBL
- Needinformation on biospheres
- June 20, 1997
- Corruption
- Why No Press?
- Biodiversity Treaty Bans Humans
- The Spirit of Vlad
- Rebel, Revol, Resist
- June 13, 1997
- An Assault on Private Property
- An Open Letter to Concerned Citizens
- Biospheres are Illegal
- June 6, 1997
- The Loss of your Homeland
- It stops in Kentucky
- A Formal Resolution
- An Assault onm Property Rights
- EPA to "allow"
- We Will not Move
- May 30, 1997
- Get US out of the UN!
- White House Scam
- There May Be Hope
- Corruption in Congress
- May 23, 1997
- More Commissions
- Congressional Excuses
- Stupid Laws
- Least Favored Nation
- An Open Letter
- May 16, 1997
- The $6-Billion Scam
- Environmental Lies
- Legal Kidnapping?
- Federal Negligence
- Volunteerism
- May 9, 1997
- FCC Socialism
- World Socialism
- Bureaucrats Take Private Land
- China Wants our Money
- Third Way Vampirism
- May 2, 1997
- Another Welfare Scam
- Fraud and Corruption
- A Legal Dictatorship
- Serfs or Modern Share Croppers?
- April 19th Media Hype
- Shorts from Various Sources
- April 25, 1997
- Tax Politicians
- Good by Ambrose, and Thanks
- Socialism in Kentucky
- Taxing the Serfs
- Starr may Strike
- Guerrilla Boondonggle
- April 18, 1997
- Peaceful Revolution
- Investigating the FBI
- Drugs and Politicians
- Impeachment Looms
- Buying Political Influence
- Immigrant Welfare
- Events at Knob Creek
- April 11, 1997
- Musing on Liberty
- A Memorial to Opression
- Another Gun Study
- Crime Wave
- Why the Revolution Fizzled
- Biosphere Reserve Conference
- April 4, 1997
- Because People Care
- Gun Rights
- Congressional Responsibility
- Payola and Payback
- Uniforms
- China No-Speak
- March 28, 1997
- Prosecutor Misconduct
- Cold War Looms Again
- Another Commission
- Loss of Loyalty
- EPA's Loss is Our Gain
- Military-Civilian Activists
- ACCC Report
- March 21, 1997
- Boycott China
- More Reasons for Boycott
- Supreme Court Update
- Color it Illegal
- Hatch is no Hawk
- Another Stupid Law
- March 14, 1997
- A Paradox in the Law
- Remove Bad Judges
- Down With the Establishment
- Protecting Property
- Anarchy on High
- Ineresting Legal Terms
- Impeachment
- March 7, 1997
- Another Commission
- News from the Flood
- Kessler's Folly
- The Coming Police State
- Gun Bill
- Bureaucratic Growth
- What is Corrupt?
- February 28, 1997
- Some Truth from DC
- They Lost Their Bomb
- John Doe Times
- Working Men
- Government for Sale
- Another Dummy
- Twice the Speed
- The Decline of Liberty
- Febraury 21, 1997
- Parallels
- Stupid Gun Laws
- Aid for the Enemy
- Classist Theology - Part 2
- Monticello is Under the UN
- February 14, 1997
- Property Rights
- Socialist Leadership
- Term Limits
- Asides
- Classist Theology
- Drug Checks
- Gore Must Be Bored
- February 7, 1997
- The Third Way
- ACCC - Almost There
- No Ethics Reform
- Resurrect the Rule of Law
- Rip Off
- The Media Shame
- Stupid Laws
- Time for Starr to Shine
- January 31, 1997
- Welfare
- Tax and Regulate the Net
- Physicians for Pot
- Finance Fraud
- Stupid Laws
- Self Protection
- They Should Obey the Law
- January 22, 1997
- Go Along to Get Along
- Stupid Laws
- Freedom of the Press
- Slick and Devious Too
- Paid Legislation
- Jury Information
- Income Tax
- Dividing America
- You're Endangered
- January 17, 1997
- More Gun Grabs
- They Brag About This
- Total Handgun Registration
- Hate Group Funding
- A Letter to Newt
- Ex Post Facto Laws
- Keeping Slick
- Big Brother Goes Digital
- Repair Job
- It Wasn't Liberal
- January 10, 1997
- Stupid Laws
- False Statements
- Take the Ninth
- White House Fanatics
- They Might Cheer
- Contrasts
- Fiat Money
- January 3, 1997
- It Begins Anew
- EPA's Devious Plan
- The Loud Blue Line
- Treasury Cannot Count
- From the Editor
- Militia News
- Send a Message
- December 27, 1996
- The Duty of the People
- Unconstitutional
- Fox in the Hen-House
- You Pay for D.C.
- Because Teachers Don't Teach
- Preparing for the New Year (105th Congress)
- A Flash from the Past
- December 20, 1996
- Legal Murder
- Money as Speech
- Retroactive Laws are Illegal
- Madison Warned Us
- Stupid Laws
- Militia News
- December 13, 1996
- Malfeasance or Negligence
- Looks Good with Yellow
- Burning Books
- Stymieing Overreach
- Year of the Child
- Use the Proper Term
- America Under Siege
- Stupid Laws
- December 6, 1996
- David the Dictator
- Walk Your Streets
- A Proper use for Pot
- Rush to Regulate
- Toward Tailpipe Tyranny
- More CIA and Drugs
- Bags over Hillary
- One for Us
- New Shopping List
- On the Net
- Tell the Left what you Think
- November 29, 1996
- She's Back!
- The Serpent Has Coiled
- We Have All Been Saying That
- Honor That Oath of Office
- Militia News
- What's in a Name?
- Unalienable Rights
- Message to Congress
- We're on the Net
- November 22, 1996
- Prohibition of Speech
- Maybe She Can't Read
- No Congress Needed
- Turkey's Talking
- By Ghali Good Bye
- No Standing for Citizens
- More Corruption
- Instructions from Hamilton
- Editor's Note
- November 15, 1996
- Reaching Out
- Fire the Liberal
- Tell the Liberals What You Think
- Clinton's New Agenda
- Campaign Felonies
- Militia News
- November 8, 1996
- Expected Results
- Abandoning the Sinking Ship
- Militia News
- Gridlock is Good
- Another Slush Fund
- November 1, 1996
- Voting for Gore
- The FBI and Richard Jewell
- Stoneing History
- Supporting the Troops
- Assaulting Liberty
- Paid to Attend School
- Words from a Clear Thinker
- Tell the Left What You Think
- October 25, 1996
- Controlling Speech
- Dog and Pony Show
- Socialism Rewarded
- Pabulum for the Masses
- Freedom of Information
- Known by the Company He Keeps
- October 18, 1996
- It's a Matter of Honor
- Part of the Problem
- Not the People's Court
- The Tenth is Dead
- Knob Creek
- Thought Police
- It's a Secret
- October 11, 1996
- Government Retribution
- The New Censorship
- Stupid Law of the Year
- Authorized News
- Asking Why
- October 4, 1996
- Dereliction of Duty
- Graft in the White House
- Un-American Activities
- Drugs, the CIA and You
- September 27, 1996
- The UN Wants Your Money
- Censorship in the National Media
- Federal Government Enablers
- Time for a Special Grand Jury
- Gun Grabbers Strike Again!
- The IRS is a Mess
- A Major Source of the Problem
- Officials Pushing Stupid to the Max
- September 20, 1996
- The Biggest Drug Runners in the US
- The Clinton Investigation Goes Wide
- Big Brother Personified
- Psychological Warfare vs. Justice
- Bork is Back
- There May be an October Surprise
- Army Readying to Attack Civilians
- George Hansen Revisited
- The Taxpayer Bill of Rights
- Clinton Orders Kids to Spy on Adults
- Militias Inform Congress
- Un-elected Officials Make Law
- Officials Pushing Stupid to the Max
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