Heads Up A Weekly edition of News and Views from around our country September 27, 1996 #2 by: Doug Fiedor fiedor19@eos.net ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please Distribute Widely ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE UN WANTS YOUR MONEY Slick Willie reported to the UN that "some" Americans are not being good globalists because we just do not understand the benefits of membership in the United Nations. Well Slick, maybe so. But we understand the cost! Our national parks are being turned over for UN zoning and regulation; the UN wants to tax all of our imports and most of our exports; they want to slap a fat surcharge on our military; they want to tax our communication satellites; etc., etc. Yeah, we Americans have a pretty good handle on what's happening. We don't like it, that's all! Our hard earned tax money pays for 25% of that bloated global bureaucracy -- and even more for the World Bank and the IMF. Quick! Someone name ONE thing that any of these groups do that benefits an American taxpayer. . . . Right! It is time we Americans start demanding a return on our investment in foreign aid. It's our money, after all. So, as Slick Willie promises to hand over a cool $1.6-Billion (about $10 for every American taxpayer) why shouldn't we ask: "Who benefits?" CENSORSHIP IN THE NATIONAL MEDIA When we hear of armed civilians marching in the streets of America, we would immediately think of citizen's militias. At least, that's what some authoritarian type public officials and their publicists in the popular press would have us think. The fact that no American Citizen's Militia group has even done such a thing is, well . . . incidental. This summer, there was a group of well armed marchers demonstrating in at least one American city. But, for some reason, this group was not covered by the national media. These armed citizens were from a group calling itself the "New Black Panthers." And no, this is not the "off the pigs" Black Panther Party of old. Those guys have all mellowed out since then and are more or less just living off of their reputations nowadays. These armed demonstrators are the "New" Black Panthers. Their expressed goal is to promote racial division. And, just to punctuate their point, they also call for the use arms to advocate their brand of social change. Last June, the group marched through Greenville, TX, as a way of bringing attention to the problem of recent Black church arsons in the area. The implication was, of course, that they wanted to "get" those white racists burning the Black churches. National news editors, however, did not think this was worthy of reporting. Even after a Black teenager was indicted for the fires, news editors did not think this was real news. Men marching through a peaceful town, demanding social change, while brandishing rifles and shotguns, was not newsworthy. It didn't even rate a call for more gun regulation by the far left control freaks. Why? They were not "militias" can be the only real answer. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ENABLERS The San Jose Mercury News series on CIA sanctioned cocaine running has caused a minor stir in Washington. The finger pointing has started, but absolutely nothing is being done, because all branches of government were enablers in this act. Federal judges aided federal prosecutors in releasing federally "protected" drug runners. The FBI, DEA, and even Customs, helped the CIA insure that they would profit from selling illegal drugs in American neighborhoods. It almost appears as if all of these agencies joined together to keep the competition down so the "protected" drug sellers would have a ready market. Even Members of Congress looked the other way on this one. It would have been impossible for anyone representing an inner-city area to not know that the government was involved in making available inexpensive drugs in their districts. Many inner-city residents sure knew! Members of Congress, however, would not speak on this issue. Why Some of them are users, as are their friends. This is not a new story. The Wall Street Journal reported that CIA operatives were importing cocaine into the United States as far back as 1987. And at least fourteen other major publications ran similarly enlightening articles since then. The Senate even held a hearing on the subject in 1986. Senator Kerry's report said that: "The Subcommittee found that the Contra drug links included: Involvement in narcotics trafficking by individuals associated with the Contra movement." And hence, the CIA. Yet, no action was ever taken to stop the flow of illegal drugs into our neighborhoods. Many tons of cheap, illegal cocaine was allowed to be distributed in American neighborhoods under the guise of national security. So much cocaine, in fact, that this ongoing CIA operation is the single most important event responsible for the explosion of crack cocaine in our country. Today, it is under that very same umbrella of national security that the project is being covered up. No matter that whole American neighborhoods were devastated. No matter that millions of American citizens were harmed. This operation pertained to "national security," and so must be protected. And it will be. Watch government's retort. The paid disinformation squads in the CIA and the press will soon be sharpening their pencils. This story, and anyone associated with it, must be quickly discredited in the name of national security. Meanwhile, the price of drugs on our streets is at an all time low. TIME FOR A SPECIAL GRAND JURY It's common to receive reports of federal agents running amuck, seemingly incompetent and disoriented. But, it becomes a damn shame when some of them have badges and guns. It's also dangerous to the welfare of the American public. But, that is exactly what seems to be happening in Atlanta. Reports from various sources indicate that there is almost a war between the FBI and the BATF down there. Both groups are indiscriminately using undercover informants (often the same informants) who are known by all to be dangerous felons. They are constantly fighting over jurisdiction, informant use and payment approval. And both are often arresting citizens who were set up (intending to be entrapped) by the other agency. Then there's the overzealous federal prosecutor compounding the issue with a willingness to prosecute any case, no matter how strong the exculpatory evidence may be. For instance: At least one major case on the docket is now so muddled with contradictory statements by federal officers, and major felons acting as witnesses for the prosecution, that the judge put a gag order on everyone concerned. This is all so silly that it is almost funny. Except, there's one associated problem that is not at all funny. That problem is, the (probably) unjustly accused are sitting in jail while the prosecution works out its internal problems. And, that has already taken months. Then there's the well publicized case of the bombing during the Olympics. That investigation sure turned out to be the fiasco of the decade. . . . Clearly, if ever a situation begged the attention of a special investigatory grand jury, this is it! GUN GRABBERS STRIKE AGAIN They're at it again! This time it's the Kohl amendment, trying to limit where law-abiding citizens can drive with even an unloaded firearm, and the Lautenberg amendment limiting ownership and getting a foot in the door for domestic gun confiscation. This is the end of the legislative season, folks! This is the time of year they stick these sick puppies in with other major bills and slide them through. Strange legislation will be passed this month, if we do not watch closely. Tell your Members of Congress to kill these two amendments. And, while you're at it, call Newt and Trent Lott, too. (1-800-962-3524) Tell them, this is very bad law. And, by the way: Any of you who can, please fire Kohl and Lautenberg. We do not want or need these type of people as lawmakers. In the Senate, they'll try to push these amendments through with a "unanimous consent" vote. It only takes one senator to block that action. Tell your senators to "just say no!" THE IRS IS A MESS A bipartisan group, the National Commission on Restructuring the Internal Revenue Service, just started a year long project to overhaul the IRS. One reason, as reported by the GAO, is that the IRS can't even balance its own books. There are big chunks of our tax money missing. The IRS reply: "I think we are a surrogate for people's frustrations about a lot of things," says Margaret Milner Richardson, the IRS commissioner. Yeah, maybe. But that 7.5 million word mess called the IRS code must also be considered. Even IRS workers cannot interpret the tax code properly. And it is admitted by all that the muddled tax code is the direct cause for that 5.4 billion hours Americans spend each year trying to figure their taxes. And by the way, where in the Constitution does it say that some branches of government need not obey the Bill of Rights? Yeah, Americans definitely have some strong concerns. But, get that tax code down to about two-hundred understandable pages, then make the IRS obey everything in the Constitution, and half of the controversy will evaporate. Anything less would still be oppressive government. Another distressing point is that we Americans now work from January 1 to July 10 of every year just to pay taxes. Most American families now pay more for taxes than for food, clothing and housing combined. Rep. Rob Portman (R-Oh.) and Senator Bob Kerry (D-Neb.) co-chair the commission. Send comments to: Rep. Rob Portman, 238 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515. Kerry may not have a job there next year. A MAJOR SOURCE OF THE PROBLEM House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt addressed the National Council of State Legislators meeting last July. Therein, he informed the group of state legislators that: "We at the federal level want to give you at the state level the power to succeed." Huh? Good people of Missouri, would you please do your part in supporting our Constitution by firing this jerk! OFFICIALS PUSHING STUPID TO THE MAX A woman was arrested at an airport for "possession" of an illegal substance. That's nothing new; except that this woman did not do anything wrong. A stupid federal law states that it is illegal to transport prescription drugs out of the container provided by the pharmacist. Never mind that every drug store in the country sells special containers for just that purpose; under federal law, it is a felony. Compliance with the intent of the law would mean that every person on medication(s) must box up the complete bottles of every medication they will need during every outing. That is foolish, of course. No one does that. However, because of that stupid law, Congress has made nearly every grandmother and grandfather in the country a lawbreaker almost every time they leave the house for any length of time. Yet, the Constitution gives no authority for the federal government to regulate drugs of any kind. There is zero authority for Congress to even consider this subject. Tell them to repeal it!