Michigan Militia Corps Resources |
"While the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution acknowledges the
existence of state militias and recognizes their necessity for
the security of a free state, and while it also recognizes that
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be
infringed, the Second Amendment is not the source of the right to
form a militia nor to keep and bear arms. Those rights existed in
the states prior to the formation of the federal union. In fact,
the right to form militias and to keep and bear arms existed from
antiquity. The enumeration of those rights in the Constitution
only underscores their natural occurrence and importance. The
Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads: 'The Powers not
delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States
respectively, or to the people.'"
The previous quote is from an essay titled Is
the Citizen Militia Lawful? by the founder of the Michigan Militia Corps. It explains the legal
and historical precedent for forming a citizen militia.
Information on the MMC
- We believe wholeheartedly in the values enshrined in the Constitution
for the United States of America, the Declaration of
Independence, the Bill of Rights, and The Constitution
of Michigan, and the application of these values equally to all Americans.
- Thanks for checking us out - a letter
containing information on why we exist and our policy on a few things.
- Manual 1-1 Which explains the purpose, mission, structure, and
membership requirements of the Michigan Militia Corps.
- Frequently Asked Questions
- A well regulated militia? Today? Informational pamphlet
- Meet the Commander of the MMC
- A map of all member counties in Michigan with
a Militia brigade.
- The Michigan Militia Corps Weekly Update,
released from state command every week, is available online!
Recent Activities / Press Releases
- Our Manual 1-1 has been completely revised. - This is the updated version,
recently approved by the Advisory and Policy Council.
- An open letter from MMC Executive Officer Tom Wayne to John Trochman
- HateWatch apologizes to Michigan Militia Corps!
- UN Day 1997 in Lansing, Michigan
- UN Day 1996 in Lansing, Michigan
- Petition de Droit - An attempt
to get some answers about questions surrounding the Roosevelt declarations
of emergency. This was served on nearly ALL elected politicians in Michigan,
including the Governor. We have yet to receive an answer from any one of them,
all we want is an answer.
- Some recent Freedom of Information
Act requests pertaining to the OKC bombing. This raises an eyebrow.
- United Nations rejects Michigan Militia Corps!
- On June 21st, 1997 we were asked
to assist in the search for a kidnapped 11-year old girl in the Muskegon area. Read about it.
- On August 16 and 17, 1997 we were again asked
to aid in the search for Andre Bosse.
The main way to contact us is:
- State Executive Officer Tom Wayne: (616) 665-7168
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