UN Rejects Michigan Militia Corps!
Back in December of 1996, I saw an article on the Internet about how the NRA
had applied for recognition as a Non-Governmental Organization with the United
Nations. The NRA got the status which simply means that they get some input in
the vaious UN conventions. Well, I figured, since the NRA could do it, why
can't the Michigan Militia Corps? I sent a letter, along with some materials
that we put out, to the UN Department of Public Information per their FAQ "How to Become Associated
with the DPI". I then waited, and waited, and waited some more, until one
day in March of 1997 when I decided "perhaps they didn't get my letter." I
called them. I got their voice-mail, then no reply. So I waited a couple of
weeks and called again - more voice-mail. I gave them the benefit of the
doubt and sent a fax. Shazam! I received a reply about 2 weeks after that!
Too bad, they rejected us. We are crushed.