"A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." 2nd Amendment to the Constitution for the united States of America"Every person has a right to keep and bear arms for the defense of himself and the state." Art. I, Sec. 13, Michigan Constitution (1835); Art. I, Sec. 6, Constitution of the State of Michigan (1963)
What is the Militia? According to the US Code, the militia consists of all males between the ages of 17 and 45, or 65 if they have prior military service. The militia is unorganized in that it does not receive any funding from any government agency. The militia was established for the purpose of defending this country from all enemies both foreign and domestic. The militia was and is a defensive body. Its purpose was so that normal family obligations could be taken care of on a day to day basis with the idea in mind that in case of invasion by foreign nations or attempts by internal lawless elements to take over America there would be a group of people that did not owe their allegiance to anyone except to God, their fellow Americans and the desire to remain free.
The mission and purpose of the militia have not changed. The militia is still unorganized and it is for the defense of our country and our fellow Americans. The militia stands for the rights of all. While it is apparent that there are those inside and outside this nation that would take away our liberty and unalienable rights, the militia is trying to remove these threats by all lawful means at their disposal; ballot; demonstration; calls and letters to congressmen; court action. At the same time some of those that have recognized the potential threat to the principles this nation was founded on are training along military lines to defend this nation and their fellow Americans if it should become necessary. We pray it will not.
While the Michigan Militia Corps, Wolverines has been blessed by and large with individuals who believe in God, it is not a religious organization. All are welcome to apply for membership, regardless of race, religion and/or religious preference or the lack thereof, male or female.
There are those that would use the militia to serve their own agenda. This cannot be tolerated. The purpose of the militia is very narrowly defined; defense of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The Wolverines have not, in the past, and will not, in the future, tolerate the use of force against civilian targets, making of bombs or any device for mass destruction. The Wolverines require that members abide by the existing laws to the best of their ability.
In achieving the goals of the Michigan Militia Corps, Wolverines, certain standards of behavior are expected of those who serve. This job is a heavy responsibility that requires dedicated, knowledgeable, responsible and disciplined personnel. Individuals who are placed in leadership positions must have the authority required to carry out their responsibilities. Although we are "unorganized" (read "unpaid"), we must be well regulated or we become a threat to those we propose to protect.
Though we are not a "military organization," the only way to be truly well-regulated is to operate in a military manner, having clear cut rules and regulations, which is the purpose of this re-structuring of the Michigan Militia Corps, Wolverines (hereinafter referred to as MMCW). The lack of rules and guidelines has resulted in an undisciplined mob with as many different interpretations as there are members. Allowing this state of affairs to continue would result in the destruction of the MMCW and ensure that no cohesive force exists for the purposes previously stated, also enabling those with ulterior motives to achieve the splintering that currently threatens the MMCW. What better way for the powers-that-be to accomplish our dissolution, thus eliminating the threat that we pose to their dictatorial ambitions.
To be "well-regulated" we must have regulations. It is our intent to keep these as simple and as few as possible, but we must have consistency, uniformity and stability throughout the MMCW.
We all took an oath when we joined. We now hope to make it clear how to keep that oath.
Chapter 1 - Restructuring
1.1 Authority
As required by the bottom up protocol approved in Winn, Michigan on 11 June 1995, a majority (5) of Division Commanders, which Commanders had the approval of a majority of their active brigades, requested this action and were appointed by General Lynn Jon Van Huizen to finalize the new manual.
1.2 Purpose
(1) To provide for the effective training of a disciplined force of citizen soldiers and to promote the historic role of the citizen militia, liable for home service and defense, and;
(2) To eliminate the dissension and destructive influences that are currently threatening to destroy the MMCW.
1.3 Method
The finalized document will be submitted to General Lynn Jon Van Huizen for distribution to all Divisions, which Divisions will be responsible for distributing the document to all active Brigades. Upon approval of a simple majority (5) of the Divisions, all Divisions and Brigades will notified and will have two weeks grace period from that date to approve the new regulations and sign on as "grandfathered" Divisions and Brigades. Any Division or Brigade which does not agree to the regulations by that date will be considered disbanded and it's members dismissed from the MMCW. Any individuals whose Division or Brigade choose not to sign on and who wish to apply for membership individually may contact General Lynn Jon Van Huizen.
After the grace period, all MMCW members will be subject to the new rules and regulations and will be subject to dismissal for any violation.
All Divisions and Brigades who choose to continue in the MMCW under the new regulations will have another two weeks to submit a list of Commissioned Officers and their individual qualifications to General Lynn Jon Van Huizen, which list will be referred to the Advisory and Policy Council (to be created by this document) for the purpose of determining Officer training needs. Existing officers will be either permanently or temporarily approved according to their qualifications.
Chapter 2 - Rules and Regulations
2.1 Purpose and Scope
(1) To establish uniform rules, regulations and procedures thus ensuring continuity, unity and equality of interpretation throughout the MMCW.
(2) To assure that the MMCW is a well regulated, well-trained and disciplined force of volunteer, un-paid, citizen soldiers ready and able to defend our nation, our state and our communities
2.2 Advisory and Policy Council
2.2.1 Creation and Composition
With this document, the Advisory and Policy Council (hereinafter referred to as the APC) is created and consists of an active Division Commander from each active Division and the State Chief of Staff/Deputy Commander.
2.3 State Command Structure
2.3.1 Authority
The MMCW State Commander has command authority and command responsibility over the MMCW statewide, subject only to the APC and lawful civil authority.
2.3.2 Composition
The MMCW State Command shall consist of the General Officer Commanding the MMCW and whatever staff the Commander deems necessary, which can include, but is not limited to:
(a) A Chief of Staff/Deputy Commander
(b) An S-1 Personnel Officer
(c) An S-2 Intelligence and Security Officer
(d) An S-3 Training and Operations Officer
(e) An S-4 Logistics and Supply Officer
(f) An S-5 Civil Affairs, Auxiliary Liaison and Press Officer.
These officers may hold more than one position in the MMCW having the rank and authority necessary to fulfill the obligations and responsibilities of the highest-ranking position held.
2.3.3 Selection of a new Commander
Any new Commanding General of the MMCW shall be selected through secret ballot of the APC.
Nominations for a new MMCW General may be made by any Brigade or Division Commander to the APC.
Nominees for a new MMCW General must have the following qualifications:
(1) Served as an MMCW Colonel for at least one (1) year as either a Division Commander or Chief of Staff, and;
(2) Have served as an MMCW Lt. Colonel for at least one (1) year as a Brigade commander or Division Chief of Staff, and;
(3) Have been a commissioned officer in the MMCW for at least three (3) years, and;
(4) Have been an enrolled member in good standing, of the MMCW for at least four (4) years, or have equivalent training and experience.
2.3.4 Removal of State Commander from Office
Any charges brought against a serving State Commander must be presented, in writing, along with supporting evidence, to the APC who will thoroughly investigate the charges and vote on the question.
It will require a two-thirds majority vote of the APC in favor of removal to remove the State Commander from office and, if determined necessary by the APC, dismissed from the MMCW.
The State Commander has the right of appeal which appeal shall be made, in writing with supporting evidence, to a panel consisting of all active Brigade Commanders.
For the decision of the APC to be upheld in the case of an appeal, it will require approval of three-fourths of the active Brigade Commanders.
2.3.5 Responsibilities of the State Commander
Responsibilities of the State Commander may include:
(1) To decide on MMCW objectives
(2) To assess MMCW needs and compare those needs with actual available resources.
(3) To assign responsibilities and goals to MMCW Command Staff and Division Commanders.
(4) To set MMCW statewide policy (with the APC consulting), deal with the press and civil authority, set press policy and ensure that the MMCW speaks with one voice.
(5) To establish and maintain security and intelligence procedures.
(6) To establish and maintain communications between State Command and Division Commands.
(7) To organize logistics and administrative services.
(8) To institute leadership training and educational programs; set training guidelines and standards (with the consultation of the APC) and develop those training standards required for promotion.
(9) To encourage responsible recruiting.
(10) To coordinate with the MMCW auxiliary groups and other civilian groups statewide, establish working relationships and parameters.
2.3.6 State Command Staff Officers
2.3.7 Eligibility of State Command Staff Officers
Eligibility Requirements for new Staff Officers S-1 and beyond:
(1) Must be an officer with at least one (1) year prior service as either a Division Commander, a Brigade Commander, or a Division Staff Officer, and;
(2) Has been an MMCW officer, in good standing, for at least one (1) year, and;
(3) Has been an MMCW member, in good standing, for at least three (3) years, or have equivalent training and experience.
Eligibility Requirements for Chief of Staff/Deputy Commander
(1) Must meet the same requirements as the State Commander, and;
(2) Must be nominated by the State Commander and approved by a simple majority of the APC.
2.3.8 Rank
All State Command Staff shall hold the rank of Colonel.
2.3.9 Removal of State Command Staff from office
All State Command Staff can be removed from office by the State Commander upon obtaining sufficient evidence.
Any State Command Staff member who has been removed from office may appeal the decision to the APC, in writing with supporting evidence.
2.4 Division Command Structure
2.4.1 Division Commander
The Division shall be commanded by a Division Commander.
2.4.2 Rank
Holds the rank of Colonel.
2.4.3 Authority
Has command authority over a division comprised of several Brigades (counties).
2.4.4 Eligibility Requirements for new Division Commanders
Eligibility Requirements for new Division Commanders:
(1) Three (3) years service in the MMCW as a member in good standing.
(2) Two (2) years service as an MMCW commissioned officer in good standing.
(3) One (1) year of service as an MMCW Brigade Commander or Division Chief of Staff/Deputy Commander, in good standing.
(4) Have a working knowledge of:
(a) MMCW rules and regulations(5) Must be able to clear a background check conducted by State Command Staff.
(b) Military manners and techniques
2.4.5 Selection Procedures
When a Division Commander's position becomes vacant, the Brigade Commanders of all active (approved) MMCW brigades in the division in question shall meet and vote on one or two qualified nominees to fill the position. Those nominations will be sent to the State Commander to be forwarded to the APC which will review the qualifications of the nominee(s) and, by a simple majority, either approve or disapprove the promotion.
Upon the approval of the APC, the State Commander will issue an order confirming the new Division Commander in his position. [NOTE: Due to a shortage of qualified personnel, A Division Commander may also serve concurrently in other positions.]
2.4.6 Removal Procedure
A two-thirds majority of Brigade Commanders in the Division in question may request the dismissal of a Division Commander by presenting the request and supporting evidence to the State Commander who will review and investigation. If the State Commander finds that there are sufficient grounds for the Division Commander's removal, may dismiss him/her from office and if deemed necessary, from the MMCW.
Any Division Commander so removed may appeal the decision, in writing, with supporting evidence, to the APC, which will have the authority to uphold or dismiss the decision by a simple majority.
2.4.7 Responsibilities of Division Commanders
Responsibilities of the Division Commander may include:
(1) To serve on the APC
(2) Establish and maintain division goals.
(3) Assess division needs and compare those needs with resources available within the division.
(4) Organize a qualified Division Command Staff of qualified officers and assign duties and responsibilities.
(5) Establish and maintain good working relations with the Brigades comprising the division, the other active Divisions and State Command.
(6) Establish Division security, intelligence and communications procedures.
(7) Organize division supply and administration.
(8) Establish and maintain training and educational program for the Division.
(9) Encourage responsible recruiting.
(10) Assist in organizing structured, well-regulated, disciplined Brigades in each county.
(11) Coordinate with civilian support
(12) Serve either personally or appoint a qualified officer from the Division to serve as Acting Commander of those counties in which there are no qualified officers until adequate personnel can be recruited and trained.
2.5 Brigade: county area command
The Brigades of the MMCW are the basic, entry level local organization.
2.5.1 Brigade Qualifications
Brigades must maintain a minimum of ten (10) active members to retain voting (active) status in the MMCW.
If a group of individuals in an inactive county wish to join the MMCW as a qualified Brigade, they must contact the Division Commander of the division the county is located in and arrange an interview to apply for membership.
All Brigades must agree to abide by the rules and regulations in this document (and any future additions or deletions) in order to be accepted to the MMCW.
All new Brigades will have a probationary period of one (1) year during which they will be considered a provisional Brigade, without voting status and be under the direct command of the Division Commander or his/her appointee. The provisional brigade will achieve recognized voting status after the completion of the probationary period and acquiring a qualified Brigade Commander.
2.5.2 Brigade Commander
A brigade shall be commanded by the Brigade Commander.
2.5.3 Rank
The Brigade Commander will hold the rank of Lt. Colonel
2.5.4 Eligibility Requirements for new Brigade Commanders
(1) Must have a minimum of two (2) years active MMCW service in good standing.
(2) Must have a minimum of one (1) year of service as a MMCW commissioned officer or equivalent training and experience.
(3) Must be approved by a simple majority of the active members of the Brigade.
(4) Must be approved by the Division Commander.
(5) Must have final approval (a simple majority) from the APC and the State Commander.
2.5.5 Responsibilities of Brigade Commanders
Responsibilities of the Brigade Commander may include:
(1) Establish Brigade goals and objectives
(2) Assess Brigade needs and compare with available resources
(3) Establish and maintain a working relationship with contiguous active Brigades, with Division Command and with State Command.
(4) Establish and maintain Brigade security, intelligence and communication procedures.
(5) Organize supply, logistical and administrative services.
(6) Establish and maintain unit training, educational and leadership programs.
(7) Coordinate with civilian supporters.
(8) Establish contact with county Sheriffs and local governments.
2.5.6 Brigade Command Staff
May include but is not limited to:
(1) A Brigade Chief of Staff/Deputy Commander with the rank of Major.
(2) S-1 Personnel, S-2 Security and Intelligence, S-3 Training and Operations, S-4 Supply and S-5 Information Officers with the rank of Lieutenant or Captain.
All Brigade Staff appointments must be approved by Division Command.
2.5.7 Removal
The Brigade Commander may be removed from office, either permanently or temporarily during an investigation, by the Division Commander for any violation of MMCW rules and regulations.
The Brigade Commander may appeal his removal, in writing with supporting evidence, to the State Commander.
2.6 General Membership
2.6.1 Membership Requirements
Requirements to join the MMCW:
(1) Must apply to the Brigade Commander in your county or to the Acting Brigade Commander.
(2) Must agree to abide by the MMCW rules and regulations.
(3) Take and sign the MMCW oath/affirmation of service.
(4) Must agree to a background check to be conducted by State Command.
(5) Complete a one (1) year probationary period before achieving voting status within the Brigade.
2.6.2 MMCW Oath/Affirmation of Service
For Noncommissioned Members:
I, (Name), do solemnly swear/affirm that I will support and defend the Constitution for the united States of America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of those appointed over me, for conscience sake; So Help Me God.
For Commissioned Officers:
I, (Name), having been appointed an officer in the Michigan Militia Corps, Wolverines, in the grade of (grade), do solemnly swear/affirm that I will support and defend the Constitution for the united States of America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So Help Me God.
Requirements to maintain active member (voting) status:
(1) Attend at least one (1) Brigade meeting per month.
(2) Attend at least one (1) Division Training every other month.
Failure to fulfill the above-mentioned requirements will result in the member being placed on inactive (non-voting) status. If there are extenuating circumstances, the Brigade Commander must be informed, in writing, and may allow exceptions, subject to the approval of the Division Commander.
2.7 Miscellaneous Provisions
2.7.1 Chain of Command, Discipline and Appeal
(1) The Brigade Commander has command over Brigade Members.
(2) Brigade members may appeal to the Division Commander.
(3) The Division commander has authority over Brigade Commanders.
(4) Brigade Commanders may appeal to State Commander.
(5) The State Commander has authority over Division Commanders.
(6) Division Commanders may appeal to the APC.
(7) The APC has authority over the State Commander.
(8) The State Commander may appeal to a council comprised of all active Brigade Commanders.
2.7.2 Changes, additions and deletions to MMCW Regulations
It is understood that, as time goes on, we will need to modify and clarify this document.
2.7.3 Procedure
Any active member may propose changes, additions, or deletions, in writing, including an explanation of their reasons, to their Commanding Officer. That Commander will, promptly, forward the proposal to the APC for consideration by the APC, with the consultation of the State Commander and State Command Staff.
Once any change, addition or deletion is approved by a simple majority of the APC, it will immediately be in force and notification of the change will be sent out by State Command.
2.7.4 Limitations and Exceptions
Brigades and Divisions are not allowed to recruit members from another county or division area but are required to refer all potential recruits to the appropriate active Brigade or Division.
If an individual member wishes to join a Brigade in a county other than the one in which he/she lives, he/she must make the request to the Division commander, explaining the reasons and obtain the Division Commander's approval.
If a Brigade wishes to become part of an adjacent Division, that Brigade Commander must make written request to the State Commander, explaining the reasons and obtain the approval of the State Commander.