December 3, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 38. [TEXT] or
- Cave-in for INS
- Who Should Teach?
- Problems at the Polls
- Bankers Rob You
- Balanced Budget Makes Comeback
- Cutting out the Qualified
November 20, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 37. [TEXT] or
- Clinton's Baggage Worries Democrats
- Clinton "Tax Cut" Exposed as Fraud
- Crazed Environmentalists Want to Take Away Your Automobile
- Washington Gave Thanks to God
November 14, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 36. [TEXT] or
- Another UN Global Conference
- USPS: Where's the $$?
- Welfare Trap
- Freshmen Lawmakers Need Your Comments
November 7, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 35. [TEXT] or
- Bankers Meet to Collect Debt; US to Pay Up
- "Peace Blossom" Lady Liberty
- Al Gore and His "Eco Terrorists"
- Abolish the Fed
October 31, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 34. [TEXT] or
- School-To-Work, Sound Good? Take Another Look Before it's too Late!
- Letter to the Editor
- Why Not World Government?
October 23, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 33. [TEXT] or
- Many Police Don't Support Clinton
- Congress Makes Our Laws, Right?
- Equal Rights or Special Rights?
- More News from Our Congress: Whats Going on Here?
October 16, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 32. [TEXT] or
- Chri$tians and the Income Tax
- Anatomy of Gulf War Illness
October 10, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 31. [TEXT] or
- Full Faith and Credit?
- Germ Warfare Against Americans
- UN Alive and Well in Michigan
- UN Day (Yes, Again!)
October 3, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 30. [TEXT] or
- Land of the FREE?!
- An American Nightmare
September 26, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 29. [TEXT] or
- The Taking of America
- UN "Reform" not the Answer
- Don't Forget! (UN Flag Raising Protest)
September 19, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 28. [TEXT] or
- Schools Fail Kids
- Aid to Brown Scolded for Conduct
- Destroying Jobs to Save the Ozone
September 12, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 27. [TEXT] or
- Habitat II: Dangerous to Your Wealth
- Just say NO! to the UN.
- Angry Taxpayer Raises Stink
- Clinton Asks 1.1 Billion More to Fight Terrorism
- A Plan to Confiscate Your Automobile
- Keep Feds out of Schools
September 5, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 26. [TEXT] or
- News From "Our" Legislature
- Don't Let Schools Control Your Child
- Johnson's Book Advocated Sodomy
- Power Concedes Nothing Without Demand...
- Political Bugs
- Three Great Rights are One
- Teach Your Child Well, and Get Locked Up
- School Choice?
- A Tax Cut for the DC Elite
August 28, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 25. [TEXT] or
- When it Comes to Waffling, Dole is No Clinton
- Spying, Secret Courts Trample Constitution
- Lincoln's Motives in Question
- Economic System Corrupt: Former Harvard Insider
August 22, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 24. [TEXT] or
- The Politics of Compromise: Bob Dole a Principled Conservative?
- Big Brother Wants Your Online Keys
- "Stalin, Franco, and Bill."
- PAC Man
- Husband Tells of Secret Service Quiz
- Another Foothold for Educrats?
August 15, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 23.
- Robert Dole Kissed off Gun Owners, Presidency
- Terrorism Bill Passes House, HR 3953
- Crisis Invented to Insure Social Control
- Hillary is Disguise: Health Bill Harms Doctors
- Colonists had Good Plan
- Volunteers Needed
No updates are missing here, but for some reason when the responsibility
of putting together the updates moved to another person, the issue number
August 7, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 19.
- American and Global Food Crisis
- Michigan Legislation
- Michigan Anti-Militia Bill
- American Tax Dollars at Work in Russia
- Did You Know?
July 18-July 25, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 18.
- Loss of Medical Privacy
- Careers Act Remains Stalled
- Habitat II: UN Plans for Your Block
- AIDS Testing Allowed for Babies
- Social Security a Tax Deduction?
July 11-July 18, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 17.
- The Wilburn Investigation of OKC Bombing
- International Crime Conference
- The Brady Act Repeal Bill H.R. 2470
- Northwest Bioregion Under Construction
- Orwellian Education
July 4-July 11, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 16.
- Danger to the Country
- National Gun-Tracking Computer System
- Dole Drops Bid to Drop Assault Weapons Ban
- Clinton - Soft on Defense?
- Senate Passes Minimum Wage Increase
June 27-July 4, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 15.
- Army's Urban Training
- Cause For Alarm - FBI Files
- Federal Troops Guarding Your Church?
- Another Dust Bowl?
June 20-June 27, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 14. (Unavailable)
June 13-June 20, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 13.
- New's Claim Justified
- Gene Screening Planned
- Hidden Motives Behind Traffic Stops Allowed
- Amateur Radio Frequencies Threatened
- "Ordinary People:" Gun Control in China
- Gun Ban Attempt Failed
- New Jersey - IT IS NOW LAW
June 6-June 13, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 12.
- Politics Obstructs Justice
- At-risk Boys Recruited for School in Kenya
- National Reports from ECFA
- Political Speech Ban
- Britain Starts Gun Amnesty After Massacre
- GOP Sells Out
- Luftwaffe Invades New Mexico
May 30-June 6, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 11.
- Clinton at Princeton
- Australia's Gun Control Battle
- UN Opens Housing Conference
- NATO Enters New Era
- Most Media Voted for Clinton
- Clinton Avoids House Contempt Vote
- An International IRS?
May 23-May 30, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 10.
- Thought Police
- Ocean Fishing Restricted
- Kill the Messenger
- Dropped Provisions of Anti-Terrorism Bill to Be Included in Revised
Version of Immigration Bill?
May 16-May 23, 1996. Vol. 3 issue 9.
- Demonizing The Militia
- Hard Labor for Refusing DNA Sample
- Texas Sessionists Charter Banks
- Prosecutor Might Use Confession to Priest
May 9-May 16, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 8. (unavailable)
May 2-May 9, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 7.
- BATF Plants Evidence
- Senate Resolution 133
- Enforcement Wave
April 26-May 2, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 6.
- Food Shortage?
- The V-Chip
- The State of "New Columbia"
- US Patent Files Giveaway
- Pension Embezzled
- Militias to be Topic of Movie
- Military Healthcare Underfunded
April 18-26, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 5. (unavailable)
April 11-18, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 4.
- Things Learned
- Back to One Gun a Month
- The World's Changing Job Market
- Police Roadblocks to Promote Seatbelts
- Magnetic Strips in Michigan's Driver Licenses
April 4-11, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 3. (unavailable)
March 28-April 2, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 2. [TEXT]
or [HTML]
- Paul Harvey Broadcast
- Conspiracy Theories Laid to Rest
- Seizure Fever
- Tax Attack
- Legal Services Strangled
- UN Upset at US Immigration Legislation
- US Farm Policy Changing
- FCC Besieged
March 21-28, 1996. Vol. 3 Issue 1. [TEXT]
or [HTML]
- Evidence Doesn't Point to International Terrorists
- House Passes Abortion Ban Bill
- More Presidential Veto Power
- Gun Control - Clinton Style
- The Lawful Path
Volume 2
March 14-21, 1996. Vol. 2 Issue 25. [TEXT]
or [HTML]
- Privacy for Safety?
- Establishment Vocabulary
- Seizure Fever
- File This
- Missouri Law Targets Militia
- Iranians Deny Counterfeiting
March 7-14, 1996. Vol. 2 Issue 24. [TEXT]
or [HTML]
- Buying of a President: Update to Dole's Top 10 Career Patrons List
- Logging Salvage Rider
- CIA Use of Journalists as Agents
- World Religion Update
- Sovereignty and the World Trade Organization
- States Turn Down Goals 2000
- Militia, Feds Avert Tragedy