"Treaties make international law and they also make domestic law.
Under our Constitution, treaties become the supreme law of the
land...[T]reaty law can override the Constitution. Treaties, for
example,...can cut across the rights given the people by their
constitutional Bill of Rights." -SECRETARY OF STATE John Foster Dulles,
April 11, 1952
"I submit that this House has not taken the time to reflect upon
the implications of the Convention [UN Convention on the Rights of the
Child] and will be in for a tremendous shock when judges around the
country start applying the Convention as the supreme law of the land."
-Representative Thomas J. Biley (R-VA), September 17, 1990
"I say the same to the opinion of those who consider the grant of
the treaty-making power as boundless. If it is, then we have no
Constitution." -Thomas Jefferson, September 1803
United Nations Information Page Introduction
The purpose of this web page is to present the proof that the activities of the
United Nations, in conjunction with the government of the United States, are
undermining national sovereignty and turning governmental powers over to the
international organization. The powers of taxation, the ability to have a military,
to control civilian firearm ownership, childcare, birth control, and criminal justice
are just a few of the powers being assumed by the UN. The following information
is presented in the form of articles, commentaries, and most importantly, actual
documents from the United Nations and the US Government to prove the point. You are
urged to read through the following information and reevaluate your ideas on the
Atrocities Comitted by UN "Peacekeepers."
UN "Peacekeepers" in Somalia admitting to torturing and murdering children. Is this
the so-called "world-peace" organization? Apparently their kind of peace
only involves soldiers who murder children.
The UN Document which summarizes the UN mentality. It is a
Press Release pertaining
to UN Day in 1996, released on October 18. In the third to the last paragraph,
last sentence: "Governments should, for example, make firm political and
financial commitments to ensure there can be no islands of prosperity amidst
the oceans of poverty and discontent." That's it, in their own words.
They can't stand capitalism. They don't want to eliminate poverty in an
industrialized world, they want to eliminate prosperity in a poor world.
Treaty Power No black helicopter
conspiracy theories here. The following information pertains to United Nations
treaties which are either already in effect or are being debated. The US Government's
current position is that treaties can override our constitution.
- Definitions of Republic and Democracy
- Bill of Rights of the United States of America
(For comparison to the following)
These treaties claim to grant so many wonderful rights (which, of course come
from the UN) such as freedom of movement, freedom of religion, freedom to
hold opinion without interference, the right to peaceably assemble, and the
right to education. Ah, but these rights come with a hitch, they are all "...subject
only to such limitations as are prescribed by law." Wow, thanks for that right,
UN, just pass a "resolution" and it will go away. What is even more laughable
is Article 29 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "3. These rights
and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and
principles of the United Nations." Sounds like something the Führer would
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN)
- International Covenant on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights (UN)
- International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights (UN)
- Constitution of the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics- Remarkably similar to the three previous treaties!
- United Nations
- U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child -
You, your children, and the UN! What a great combination!
- Climate Facts - A web page set up to fight the upcoming
UN climate treaty. - "The United Nations is rushing to finalize an international climate treaty
by December 1997 that will have major impacts on the U.S. economy, jobs and lifestyles. Because
the treaty exempts 132 of 166 nations, it will have little or no environmental benefit."
- UN Crime Court Makes "Denial of Abortion" a "War Crime."
- Creation of World Tribunal Moves
Ever Closer to Reality An article from the Houston Chronicle that
explains how the UN wishes to create an international criminal court.
Although we support such activities as the Nuremburg Trials, this court
wants jurisdiction over crimes created by UN treaties. Any UN treaty.
Ever read the UN Declaration of Human Rights
? Ever read Article 29 of it? What happens if I exercise a right
- UN 50th
Anniversary speeches by just about all the world leaders. A
veritable cornucopia of globalist drivel, straight from their own
mouths! [NOTE - This was a gopher link which is no longer available]
International Civilian Gun Control and Criminal Justice
- Commentary on the recent UN Convention
on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. They want to get into
the topic of firearm regulation. Not just military arms, small arms.
Japan, Canada and Australia have contributed the most to this effort
so far.
- Press Release from the UN Committee on
Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (May 12, 1997) confirming its
initiatives to regulate civilian firearm ownership.
- General and Complete Disarmament: Small Arms. A
report from the UN Secretary-General on the elimination of small arms ownership by civilians. Note the tremendous
similarity to the title of a 1962 US Government Document entitled Freedom from War: The
United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World.
- General and Complete Disarmament: Measures
to Curb the Illicit Transfer and Use of Conventional Arms. This is just another
report coming out of the Crime Control Convention mentioned above.
- General and Complete Disarmament: Assistance to States
for Curbing the illicit traffic in small arms and collecting them. More of the same.
- An Agenda For Peace. Boutros Ghali's
(the UN secretary-general) plan for future peace operations of the UN.
Includes a provision for the creation of a permanent UN army always available
for use by the UN.
- Press release from the UN announcing expansion of the drug war to the United Nations. The date 2008 is set to eliminate drug use.
UN Population Control
- Habitat Agenda
The Agenda that came out of the Habitat II conference. It is a typical UN document,
advocating governmental control over every aspect of human life. It includes
such mandates as "adequate housing for all," and "equal access to health care"
for all. What it doesn't mention is how to pay for all this, hmm.
- Battle for Sustainable Freedom. An excellant
article on the UN's Global Biodiversity Assessment and the Wildlands
Project. Basically, the UN's plan is to depopulate nearly half the
planet (a map of the areas they wish to clear in the US is included)
in the name of biodiversity. A great read!
- Report
from the High-Level Advisory Board on Sustainable Development.
This report from the UN recommends global taxation to support its
functions in the field of "sustainable development," the UN buzz word
for population control.
- Implementing PDD 25 PDD (Presidential Decision
Directive) 25 was signed by president Clinton and made secret. As far as I can
tell it is still secret, not even members of congress can get their hands on it.
It has something to do with our policy toward the UN. This is a document that
examines its implementation.
Above is a picture of a statue
at the United Nations. It was donated by the USSR. Does it remind you of anything? |