Week of February 15, 1999. Vol. 6. Issue 6
- Report: Russia To Aid Iraq Defense
- Are sports teams with Indian names really a federal civil rights crime?
- U.S. Helped Fund License Photo Database
- Clinton's secret police state
Week of February 8, 1999. Vol. 6. Issue 5
- Senators who violate oath can be tossed from senate
- Mr. Clinton's Chinese Generals
- Author Assails Psychological 'Profiling' by Public Schools
- Michigan State University Libertarian Party Press Release
- CDC issues guidelines on bioterrorism
- High schoolers can get $1,000 bounty under new drug "snitch" program
Week of February 1, 1999. Vol. 6. Issue 4
- California Court Dismisses Handgun Control Inc. Lawsuit
- Rep. Paul introduces financial privacy package
- Call off Cursing Police, Libertarians say about Michigan case
- Report: D.C. Y2K Community Organizing Forum
- Deception in Clinton's State of the Union Speech
Week of January 25, 1999. Vol. 6. Issue 3
- Chinese exercise targets US Troops in Taiwan, Korea, and Okinawa
- U.S. Warns Traveling Americans About Y2K Woes
- IRS Creating a "Know All" Database
- Privacy Groups Threaten Boycott of Intel
- Air National Guard pilots quit rather than take anthrax shot
Week of January 18, 1999. Vol. 6. Issue 2
- Clinton's State of the Union speech reveals astonishing "wish list" of government growth
- Checkpoints for seat belt compliance?
- Clinton To Ban Private Gun Sales
- Medical Tests Without Consent
- Airman Could Be Court-Martialed
- Centralize education?
Weeks of December 21 through January 11, 1999. Vol. 6. Issue 1
- North Korea Says it is Ready for War
- Pentagon Confident On Y2k, Worries About Russia
- Iraq Mocks 'Evil Adulterer' Clinton
- AmeriCorps Ruining Voluntarism?
- Times have changed
- Government plans war games to battle Millennium Bug
- Panic in the Year Zero
- Russia Still Building Nukes