2nd Amendment Home Page
The Cato Institute - A libertarian
think tank.
The Constitutionalist - Want to learn
more about the Constitution? Start here. Excellent resource.
The Constitution Society
Clintonopia - Some Clinton / left wing humor.
Democide, Death by Government - A well laid-out
page on the evils of centralized tyrannical government, as opposed to uncentralized, free government.
A Dozen Good Reasons to
Get US out of the UN
The Federalist Digest - an online conservative
The Fed: Our Central Bank. A great publication from the Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago. It even admits that each federal reserve bank is "independantly incorporated."
Free-Market.net A very good free-market liberty minded
site. Recommended.
The Fully
Informed Jury Association
Government Resources
Jews for the Preservation
of Firearms Ownership. - Official web site.
John Birch Society Official
home page
Ken Hamblin "The Virtual Black Avenger Cave" home page
Libertarian Party of West Michigan
The Ludwig von Mises Institute An anti-socialism, pro
free-market organization
Michael New Home Page - The web page for the American
Soldier that was court-martialled for refusing to wear the United Nations uniform.
The Phyllis Schlafly Report. An excellent
Second Amendment Foundation
Senate Committee on the Constitution / 1982 report on the Second Amendment. - A MUST READ report on
the history of the Second Amendment.
The Silent Revolution of Federal
Regionalism - A solution
Ghetto Chronology - The story of how a few thousand lightly armed
Jews put up resistance and chased German soldiers out of the Ghetto
in 1943.
World Net Daily - a free online newspaper
which scours the net for the daily news stories that aren't widely reported.