Dear Concerned Citizen:My name is Charles Key and I'd like to share some personal and inside information with you.
I'm an Oklahoma State Representative. I humbly ask you to spare a few minutes to read some things that you have probably never seen before on TV or read in the newspapers about some shocking events associated with the Oklahoma City bombing.
Regardless what city or state you're from, you will likely be affected more than you may ever know by that bombing and pending trials.
On April 19, 1995 when I heard the news (and literally heard the explosion) of the Murrah building I was dumbfounded.
As the realization sunk in that so many people and children were killed, I, along with millions of others watching news coverage, felt that indescribable, overwhelming sensation in the pit of my stomach.
Yet, as the "story" unfolded, my spirits were lifted as I saw example after example of shear human compassion and an outpouring of unblemished, unconditional love flow forth in a far greater degree than I had ever seen in any venue of life, including and especially in political circles.
Put more bluntly, that sacrificial selflessness and unity was the very antithesis of the type of behavior that so typically embodies politics.
How refreshing it was to see people helping people without the proverbial ugly political head rearing up asking, "What's in it for me?" or "Why should I do that?"
As the weeks passed, I saw God breathed compassion by the citizens of Oklahoma and from many other states who joined in to help. Those memories will never leave my mind and nothing can eradicate the great amount of good that was done by those thousands of acts of kindness.
As a matter of fact, it is that very visible love that helped me hang on for the two tough years that followed. (I hope you will take the time to read more about those years in the following pages.)
Over the next few weeks, inconsistencies began emerging. Stories kept changing and although I couldn't see the emerging political angle, I could sense it.
Consider the following facts which caused me to become initially concerned.
Fact #1:
The initial A.P.B. (All Points Bulletin) was for Middle Eastern John Does in a brown pick-up truck. The Jordanian brought back from London who had apparent bomb making materials in his suitcase and other John Doe suspects who were described as Middle Eastern.
Fact #2:
Those Middle Eastern reports quickly vanished. Why?...
Fact #3:
The 1200 pound ammonium nitrate bomb "grew" continuously from 1200 to 2400 to 4800 pounds.
Fact #4:
The early reports told us about explosives inside the Murrah Building. Remember how the rescue effort was "put on hold" while the bomb squad entered the building to search for and take out those intentionally placed internal explosives? Then those reports were described in detail by local U.S. Congressmen and bomb experts interviewed in studio by the media.
Fact #5:
Those reports also disappeared or were explained away as dummy or 'for show' items.
Fact #6:
Those who dared oppose the REVISIONIST NEWS ACCOUNTS, were ostracized, mocked, discredited, dark-cornered, etc. I know, I was one who dared to be politically incorrect.
Fact #7:
The ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) had field agents assigned to the office at the Murrah Building. Yet, on the day of the bombing, not one of those agents were killed. They were mysteriously, uncharacteristically absent from the building that morning.
At some point it became painfully apparent that there was more wrong than right with the federal investigation. That is when I had a very tough decision to make. Should I sit and do nothing and remain in my comfort zone simply "playing the part" of the caring politician for the photo op's? Or should I really do the right thing even if it meant giving the phrase "politically incorrect" a whole new dimension?
It didn't take long after discussing it with my wife to determine that I had to do the right thing -- no matter what the consequences were to be.
Having come to that conclusion, I decided to go forward to search out the truth and tell it to a waiting world.. Little did I know the onslaught I was about to embrace.
Before I go on to tell you what I did that I believed was right, allow me to tell you what some in the establishment news media and political circles claimed I was doing wrong.
Major media has launched unheard of attacks against our desire to conduct constitutionally sound and proper investigations. The Daily Oklahoman and the Tulsa World have published nine separate editorials viciously attacking me, Glenn Wilburn and all those who have stood up and demanded all of the truth about this terrible crime.
An editorial from the Daily Oklahoman entitled, "DROP IT, MR. KEY even had the audacity to say;
"As we argued when Key first set out on this course, the Legislature and its staff had no business investigating the bombing. It was, and is, poorly equipped to do so. The same can be said of a panel of local citizens" . . .
The same day Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson issued a personal attack saying that I was proposing a "wasteful witch hunt" and was pushing "the worst kind of paranoid conspiracy pandering."
People in powerful positions have repeatedly attacked those of us who have been scrutinizing the federal investigation. Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating was a former FBI agent himself and spent most of his career in the services of Federal Departments of the Treasury, Justice and HUD (Housing and Urban Development). At one time in his career his responsibilities included the overseeing of the ATF and other federal law enforcement. Gov. Keating went so far as to say that "raising questions would not bring one whit of intelligence to the process." He later escalated his attacks saying those of us who were raising serious questions were "howling at the moon" and "off the reservation."
All of these people are literally robbing the victims family members and survivors -- and all of us -- the opportunity and right to know the truth.
For nearly two years the negative media coverage seemed unending. And although I never vowed not to do any fundraising, going hat in hand was about the last thing I wanted to do. After all, I wasn't searching for cash, I was searching for answers. I shudder to think what sort of creative headlines would have appeared had I operated an active fundraising campaign in the wake of that tragedy.
In retrospect, I now believe I may have done a disservice by not fundraising.
First, had I acquired cash reserves for the very worthy cause I was working on, it would have aided tremendously in fighting the formidable disinformation and smear campaign waged by "faceless forces" that appear to have pockets of unending depth and the mass media at their beck and call.
Second, had I done fundraising, my own family and others wouldn't have gone into debt by this largely self-funded effort.
WE NOW FACE OUR GREATEST CHALLENGE Glenn Wilburn, who lost two grand children in the tragedy, and I filed a petition in November, 1995, to have a local county grand jury impaneled to investigate the bombing. This independent grand jury would be fully autonomous of the federal investigation, and would double in the capacity of a watchdog of the federal investigation.
Here in Oklahoma, we are very fortunate to be one of only two states that have a constitutional guarantee that the people of a county can cause a grand jury to be impaneled whenever they feel there is a need simply by circulating a petition. It is and always has been a common occurrence in our state. In fact there are county grand juries meeting as I write this letter.
The Presiding State District Judge, Dan Owens, tried to stop us from petitioning to impanel the grand jury and we were forced to appeal his actions to a higher court. That is where the latest and some of the most intense criticism has come from recently. One year after our appeal, we finally got a written opinion from the Court of Appeals in the Tulsa district. On December 24, 1996 the court ruled not only in our favor, but they did so unanimously.
But wait--there is more. Not only was it unanimous, but the court issued the decision "For Publication." That means that it was such a clear-cut case in regard to the state constitution, statutes, and previous case law, that it constituted a precedent- setting case to be used in lawbooks, most likely for many years to come.
Yet, why is there such extreme opposition to keep this independent grand jury from being allowed to assemble? I believe the answer is because some in our federal law enforcement agencies (i.e. ATF and FBI) had prior knowledge that certain individuals were planning to bomb the Murrah Federal Building! I believe that because of at least four reasons:
I) Six different individuals have come forward and reported seeing the bomb squad in the immediate vicinity of the Murrah Building early on the morning of the bombing.
2) The Oklahoma City Fire Department received a call from the FBI the Friday before the bombing and was told to be on the alert for a possible terrorist attack on a government building. 3) Bruce Shaw, who had frantically come to look for his wife inside the smoldering building, was told by an ATF agent, "You won't find any ATF agents in the building because they were warned on their pagers not to come in this morning and they're now in a debriefing." This conversation was corroborated by his boss who accompanied Bruce to help him find his wife.
4) Carol Howe, a paid informant for the ATF has recently come forward to confirm that she informed the ATF that two individuals, Dennis Mahon and Andreas Strassmier, were planning to bomb the federal building in Oklahoma City. She also said that the likely date for the bombing was April 19!
Prior knowledge on the part of some individuals in the federal government may also be why the federal prosecutors barred every single witness to John Doe(s) from the Federal Grand Jury. Of the more than 20 witnesses to one or more John Doe(s), none - not even one - were allowed to tell the Grand Jury what they saw. Additionally, when the prosecution's list of witnesses was unsealed several weeks ago, we found that the one witness who will be allowed to testily in the trial to McVeigh being in the company of a John Doe can't describe in any way who he saw. Indeed, the best witnesses who can positively place McVeigh in downtown Oklahoma City that morning saw him with one or more individuals and are able to describe to some degree what that person or persons looked like. Those witnesses will not be allowed to testily at McVeigh's trial.
Incredible? Did you hear that right? Yes, you did. As bizarre as it sounds, Federal Prosecutors were not allowing any of those witnesses to be seen or heard by the Federal Grand Jury. This gives "blind justice" a whole new meaning.
To make this even more clear, the Federal Grand Jury wanted to interview both the eye witnesses and the sketch artist who drew the John Doe composites but they were flatly refused by the federal "authorities." Clearly they were blatantly deprived of their basic Constitutional rights as grand jurors. Why?
Just what is it that they are trying to accomplish? Or, perhaps more pointedly, just who are they trying to protect? And what all are they trying to hide?
Let's not forget, elected officials are supposed to be the servants of the people and not the other way around. Just what's going on??? And how are they getting away with it?!!!!!
Our efforts to impanel a county grand jury are important for numerous reasons. One of the reasons that concerns me most is that I fear that the record of McVeigh's trial will comprise the "official story" of what happened If the evidence of prior knowledge and other perpetrators is not presented in this case, I fear that the government will be successful in shaping the official story to permanently exclude that evidence.
The 1993 New York World Trade Center bombing is a case in point.
Because certain tapes implicating the role of the FBI in allowing the attack to take place were ruled inadmissible in court, many people do not know that the FBI indeed had knowledge prior to that bombing and could have prevented it--yet they allowed the plot to continue resulting in the deaths of six innocent people.
Unfortunately the transcripts of that court case have become the "official story" of what happened in that bombing.
Another reason that I feel that the OKC bombing case is important and directly effects you is that the government has gone to a new level of operating out of the bounds of the law and is becoming more and more arrogant.
A few weeks ago, ABC was getting ready to run a major story on the prior knowledge issue. The Justice Department became aware of it and contacted some of the executives at ABC. After acknowledging the validity of the story they put extreme pressure on ABC not to air the report saying, "The people couldn't handle the truth."
I don't know about you but that kind of arrogance sickens me and leaves me with a eerie feeling. The government must not be allowed to get away with yet another botched job! The Government must be held accountable.
The good news... In spite of the seemingly inpenetratable and insurmountable forces acting against us, on February 18, 1997 the Oklahoma State Supreme Court miraculously ruled in favor of allowing the independent local county grand jury, and against the Federal Government's attempt to quash the rights of the people.
Now the forgotten families, survivors, and victims who died from the blast will have their right to a County Grand Jury and a full, open and truthful investigation.
The bad news... Any day now the courts will give us the formalized written order to begin passing the petitions to impanel the independent jury, but we're just about stone broke.
For nearly two years, I never conducted so much as a single fluid-raiser to properly investigate this worst terrorist act in the history of both our state and the nation. I also know how tapped most people are these days, but I believe at this point, I don't have much of a choice.
We now need funds to secure copies of voluminous government documents, and to pay independent investigators, as well as money to print, publicize and distribute signature forms to complete the legal requirements to impanel the County Grand Jury. In short, this effort is now bigger than what I can handle fiscally or physically. May I count on your help?
Enclosed is a simple straight forward form asking for whatever financial assistance you can afford to give. Please do what you can. We will put you on our mailing list to keep you up to date on the petition drive and signature gathering process.
The clock is about to begin and we have limited time by law to gather signatures. And you know that the big players within the Federal Government are not likely to help us. That is why I am counting on you.
Thank you for being patient and open-minded enough to read this letter. Together we can get the truth out, make a real difference and God willing, see justice prevail. May I please count on your help?
Rep. Charles KeyP.S. Elements within the federal government and in the establishment media have done virtually everything in their power to block an independent county investigation of the Oklahoma bombing tragedy. On February 18 the Oklahoma Supreme Court cleared the way for the people to investigate the Federal Government and their investigation of the bombing. Next week we must begin obtaining signatures.
Will you please stand up and be counted? PLEASE FILL OUT THE ENCLOSED REPLY CARD AND SEND IT BACK TO ME RIGHT AWAY. It only takes a few moments, and it will make a real difference in the effort to uncover the truth about the Oklahoma bombing.
Thank you for your time and concern.
[Please send donations to the following address]
Oklahoma County Grand Jury &
Bombing Investigation Fund
Post Office Box 75669
Oklahoma City, OK 73147
(All emphasis is by the author)
NOTICE: The appearance of this letter on this web site does not constitute endorsement of the Michigan Militia Corps by Representative Key